[OFFER] Microsoft Excel 2010 Functions & Formulas Quick Reference Guide (4-page Cheat Sheet focusing on examples and context for intermediate-to-advanced functions and formulas)

Geared toward the intermediate to advanced user, this example-rich 4-page laminated quick reference guide provides explanations and context for many powerful functions and formulas. Step-by-step instructions for many function/formula-related features. This guide is suitable as a training handout, or simply an easy to use reference guide. The following topics include:

Conditionally Summing Data (SUMIF, COUNTIF)
Being Precise (Rounding functions)
Improving Clarity with Range Names

List Price: $ 5.75

Price: $ 5.55

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[OFFER] Understanding DB2®: Learning Visually with Examples (2nd Edition)

The Easy, Visual Way to Master IBM® DB2 for Linux®, UNIX®, and Windows®—Fully Updated for Version 9.5IBM DB2 9 and DB2 9.5 provide breakthrough capabilities for providing Information on Demand, implementing Web services and Service Oriented Architecture, and streamlining information management. Understanding DB2: Learning Visually with Examples, Second Edition, is the easiest way to master the latest versions of DB2 and apply their full power to your business challenges.Written by four IBM

List Price: $ 64.99

Price: $ 37.86

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