[OFFER] CompTIA A+ 2007 Essentials (220-601) Practice Test 1

The CompTIA A+ Essential s (220-601) test covers all basic PC hardware and software aspects at an introductory level. The secrete to successfully passing the Essentials exam is to know a little about everything listed in the eight domain areas. You do not need to know any of the many areas in depth, simply be very familiar with the objectives. Most questions on the examination will have very obvious correct answers. The only time you may be miss led is when there are two possible right answers, one that is a common practice in the field verses a classic textbook answer. For example, as a bench technician you may routinely install software without performing any additional actions. A classic textbook test question referring to software installation may want you to create a system recovery disk before installing any new software package. Always answer with a classic textbook answer.

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